Dr. Denis Stairs

Dr. Denis Stairs (Canada) is a distinguished academic in the field of political science and international studies. In his capacity as an educator, he has contributed greatly to the understanding of Canada and its role in international relations. A Rhodes Scholar from Dalhousie University, Stairs has been teaching at his alma mater in various positions…


Sir Anthony Parsons

Sir Anthony Parsons (UK) is retired from a long and varied career in the British Diplomatic Service. After graduation from Balliol College, Oxford, and service in H.M. Forces from 1940-1954, Sir Anthony joined the Diplomatic Service as an expert in the Middle East. During twenty years with the Foreign Office, he was posted to British…


Robert MacNeil

Robert MacNeil (Canada) is best known for his prominent role in American broadcasting. After beginning his career with CBC radio and television in Halifax, MacNeil moved to the USA in 1963. He served in London, Washington, and New York as foreign correspondent for NBC before becoming senior correspondent for the National Public Affairs Center for…


William H. Barton

William H. Barton (Canada) is retired from a notable career with the Department of External Affairs, which spanned over thirty years. Barton served in the R.A.F. and was seconded to External Affairs in 1952. With the Ministry, he assumed several senior positions both in Canada and abroad, including Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs in…


Dr. Sylvia Ostry

Dr. Sylvia Ostry (Canada), the incoming president of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs. Dr. Ostry had several important positions in Canada’s federal government, including Chief Statistician, Deputy Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, and Deputy Minister of International Trade. She was also Ambassador for Multilateral Trade Negotiations and the Prime Minister’s Personal Representative for…
