Bruce Jentleson joined the faculty of Duke University on January 1, 2000 as Director of the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy and Professor of Public Policy and Political Science. He is a leading expert on a wide range of issues of American foreign policy, with a distinguished professorial record and extensive policy expertise.
His publications include numerous articles as well as seven books including American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century (W.W. Norton, 2000); Opportunities Missed, Opportunities Seized: Preventive Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World, a project of the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999); the four-volume Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations (co-senior editor, Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford University Press, 1997); and With Friends Like These: Reagan, Bush and Saddam, 1982-90 (W.W. Norton, 1994).
Jentleson currently serves as a foreign policy advisor to former vice president Al Gore. In 1993-94 he was on the State Department Policy Planning Staff as Special Assistant to the Director, with a broad range of policy responsibilities, including serving as a member of the U.S. delegation to the Middle East Multilateral Arms Control and Regional Security Talks. In 1987-88, while a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow, he served as a foreign policy advisor to then senator Al Gore.
Prior to coming to Duke, Jentleson was Professor of Political Science at the University of California-Davis, Director of the UC Davis Washington Center and Washington Research Director of the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. He also has been a Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, a Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution and the recipient of numerous other awards and fellowships, including honors from the the National Science Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council. He has served as a consultant to the Carnegie Commission for Preventing Deadly Conflict, the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences, the American Assembly, the Atlantic Council and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He has lectured internationally, including in Canada, England, Germany, Greece, Israel, Jordan, the Netherlands and South Korea.
Jentleson holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University (and was recipient of the American Political Science Association’s Harold D. Lasswell Award for this doctoral dissertation), a Master’s from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Bachelor’s degree.